Breedia Dog Forum
Aaawwwww Adele they're gorgeous. bet your Inuit doesn't look like that anymore! ;-) More piccies please. Michael, your sable GSD looks the same as...
I don't live in the garden as such but in the evening, particularly if my Son, Oscar is sitting onthe sofa there's not usualyl any room for me so I...
Yes I didn't realise just how loving and gentle Lurchers were until I had Tashi. She's also taught me what a complete fruit loop they are too! :lol:...
LOL - Lots and lots of training, socialising with people & dogs, noises, different environments, more training, play times individually and together,...
Your boy sounds like a dream dog. Typical friendly GSD pup! You're not too far away from me re distance. If ever you fancy a walk with my 3...
Yes and no. If I have Zane with me on his own some people will coem and say hello and some will stay away. I ahve had people actually cross the road...
Thanks for sharing. I love the look of the Laekenois.
All of my dogs will catch flies, chew them up a bit then spit them out to ether buzz around in never ending circles or to die quietly and for me to...
I did kind of rescue her. Someone I was at Uni with (first time round about 18 years ago) and kept in touch with had a friend who works with Mic...
Here's mine - she's only a little darker since I took her on a year ago but she's just blowing her coat and she's a mass of fluff and fur right now....
Jaikei (1996/7-29/11/2004) [IMG] Jaikei (1996/7-29/11/2004) [IMG] Jenzi (14 months), Yiannis (2 1/2 years), Zane (3 1/4 years)...
Guardians? As in the Pastoral group? Now I'm just getting more confused. :?
Please excuse my ignorance but isn't a Dane a hound? I know they were bred to work but didn't realise they were in the working group.
Zane is way oversized (according to the breed standard) standing at 104cm atw. He weighs 58Kg at the moment and is quite lean. I can'r always see his...
Spot on. There have always been a lot fo Akitas in rescue for this very reason but maybe more now the film has been released. Hachi is a film...
As already stated th epup's hips won't be damaged by walking but if there is already an underlying problerm that the owner doesn't yet know about,...
I hadn't thought of the velcro issue. Tashi does do a lot of running though. having said that, the coat she already has, has very strong velcro along...
Thanx. The coat Tashi has isn't that thick but does keep her warm. I think I'll get layers of bigger, waterproof coats.
Tashi doesn't have nearly as much fur as my GSDs and for the past few days has been almost constantly wearing her coat. Is there a coat I can buy...
Seasonal changes can affect GSD coats. Also please bear in mind that at 10 months old, he's still developing his coat as well a everything else adn...