Breedia Dog Forum
on my walk yesterday, i met two GSPs.. the first I've seen in real life.. they seemed bigger than i thought they would be, and quite chunky too....
gorgeous! :007:
Yes it is. I know she hasn't blown her coat fully yet, but thu are prepared for the hair that appears all over the house :lol: :lol: Yes they are...
i told my friends i would post here and get them some more ideas :grin: at the minute they have an akita. she is 9 months at the minute, and in...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'd rather have a flat coat over a lab (no offence to lab owners!) but there is just a spark with a flatcoat and that glint in their eye :lol: they...
They really a gorgeous :mrgreen: But I'm bias :lol: will have to get some updates. I'm going for a walk with them soon and a couple of shows so will...
yey flatcoats!! you are going to have so much fun, but she will also i imagine drain every single bit of energy out of you :lol: :lol: we...
i dont know much about them but i like them. love their squishy faces :007:
Sorry got mixed up! Just remembered when I looked into it I was questioning if you could get all white mals th even though aren't common are in the...
You can get blue eyed mals though can't you? :?
shes gorgeous :mrgreen:
what a beautiful dog :007: can honestly say ive never cobsidered the sharpei as a breed id own.. but i love the bearcoated ones!
Thanks for the reply. It certainly was a stunning looking puppy :mrgreen:
thanks for that. interesting i never knew that, was a gorgeous looking pup anyway :grin:
saw a man and i presume his daughter walking a sharpei puppy this morning whilst i was waiting for the bus. the puppy looked like a sharpei, in...
eww i dont like it.. just like i dont like men who are too muscly, doesnt look natural.
still unsure, i still like my weimaraners, but GSDs do seem an option too, still got a while to think and do more research. nana is caving into...
:007: :007: :007: :007: :007: beautiful :007:
agree with this.. ive never met a dim boxer, ive met goofy comical ones, but never dim.. not a word i would use :lol: and most definitely agree...