Breedia Dog Forum
they are so cute! :007:
think we should have a new updated picture thread of all the gundogs :mrgreen:
It's not just if the vet says its ok. Certain breeds have certain health test. E.g eyese or heart etc.
you rescued her, but want to breed from her? how does that work? i wouldnt recommend breeding from her. if she is a rescue, then do you know if...
what a stunning boy!! its so nice to see all the things they can accomplish as well.
she is stunning :mrgreen: :007:
ooh how exciting! keep us all updated :mrgreen:
i like the powderpuffs, but i prefer the hairless. my whole litter were powderpuff boys :lol: here's a couple of pictures. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
interesting combination, not something i would of gone for, but each to their own. pictures are easy to put on, you need an account like photo...
yes cresties get teenage acne :lol: asbo has to have suncream on because of his pink bits :lol: personality wise they sound alot like the...
i like all black ones, but no they arent as popular with people as you think. i hope for either an all black puff or hairless at some point. what...
aww :grin: i wouldnt mind one of them attempting to sit on my knee :lol: :lol: im definitely keen to learn more about them. i just love the size of...
gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous :007:
i have two cresteds, one hairless and one powderpuff :007: i love them and would never be without one now. i just think, particularly the hairless...
hi :grin: i have chinese cresteds. i have a powderpuff, and a hairless, and i got them from the same breeder. i also bred my own litter this...
great replies guys :mrgreen:
Me neither luke, get sick of repeating myself sometimes, it seems everything I ever post has to have some reference to an older thread. If only I had...
The flatcoat was (in the thread I posted) was a breed I would consider because nana said I couldn't have a Weim, but could have a big dog. I decided...
how much do they eat in a day? average for cresteds is about 125g a day.
:lol: :lol: i was thinking more on how much they are allowed in a daily feed, surely a chicken wing is a big portion? oh there's loads of dogs i...