Breedia Dog Forum
Hi :grin: I have two Chinese cresteds, 1 hairless and 1 powderpuff. Chinese cresteds are great little dogs, I love them :007: They're just so...
i dont know enough about GSPs to decide yet, where as ive been researching weims for the past 2 years!
thanks for the reply. ive noticed just between the ones at work at there are different temperments and drives. we have a girl who is very...
i love moss :007: think we need some pictures!
what can people tell me about them? we get 4 in at work as our day dogs and i must say ive taken a liking to them. they seem very intelligent...
gundogs only up to 3 pages?! i know there are stacks on here! come on share your pictures!
my neighbour had 2 patterdale x borders, they are lovely dogs, and these are the crosses he goes for year after year for his hunting dogs. when...
great pictures :mrgreen: come on i know there are more gundogs on here!!
What puppy?
beautiful :007: My heart melts every time I see a flattie! How's her training going?
i dont know, ive not asked her, i know she just said she wouldnt have one. will see if she is under that misconception, will ask her when she gets...
they really are. i would love love love one, unfortunately nana isnt a fan (dont know why!) i was stood talking to them for ages at this stands, and...
clever pennie :mrgreen:
you have weims, oh how i love weims :007: :007: :007: lovely dogs!
At bakewell show on Thursday they had their greyhound rescue stand there with a couple of the dogs. To say I fell in love would be an understatement...
Great pictures everyone :mgreen: I know there's more gundogs out there though!
Oh they are smart. Ours is very clever and picks things up quickly. If you don't mind me asking where are you getting him from? You can pm me if you...
i like from the 1950s lab upwards. i like the stockier look of them, hate it when you see really skinny, really long legged labs with long noses.....
gorgeous puppies :007:
great pictures everyone, keep them coming, i know there are lots of gundogs on here!