Breedia Dog Forum
Did your friend ever apply for her affix? If so did she have the nerve to follow through with her plan? It is fair to say though that borzois outdo...
I'm going for Lab X Pointer cos he looks scarily like a dog we see on our walks who is that cross!
I'm sure we can all oblige with some more...!:grin: There is something melting about those big eyes set in a long slim face isn't there? They can...
aawww, there's a girl who knows how to relax!
Jade is lovely, I do like a brindle!
I know I'm not the OP but I say peep away!
Aaaw Alice Pig I do love you!:049: :049: You beat me to it Grommit I was going to ask you to post a piccie!
Thanks Nippy, Mo is rather lovely too. The greyhound saluki cross is an especially lovely one I always think. If I was ever to have a lurcher I think...
OH I LOVE guinea pigs. I love the way they "talk"with you!
I totally agree- not enough greyhound pics here! Your two seem to have settled in and they look very happy. Paws well under the table so to speak!...
Yes pics please - he looks gorgeous!
WOW she's gorgeous! Lock her up I'm coming to get her....!
HAHA, that made me smile! "smelly" and "older persons dog" (no offence to older people - I'm at least halfway there now to my horror) were the two...
Some gorgeous dogs here! Moonstone, what were your preconceptions of Goldens and how were you proved wrong? I'm just interested to know because my...
Thanks Spot and Nippy for your pats on the back!:grin:
Well done you for adopting not only one but two greys!:grin: I have had three greyhounds over the years, grey number three, Alice, is still with...
Thanks so much Wildmoor, that's enormously helpful.
melsgems, you are so right, once a gsd lover always a gsd lover. This is of course my dilemma because despite Walters' health problems I would not...
thanks everyone for your replies so far. It's true I guess that I've been trying to figure out whether or not I was just unlucky with regard to...
Six months ago I lost my wonderful 9 1/2 year old GSD boy to haemangiosarcoma. I miss him still so much and I know my young greyhound misses having...