Breedia Dog Forum
Thanks everyone, well we till haven't got a harness but he does have a very smart leather red fish tail collar which is padded on the inside.
Sweet puppy! It'll be easier to tell as he gets older.
Some food advice from Baxter there... Here's an arrival about it and at the bottom there is a link that should take you back to the APDT page on...
Thanks everyone. I'll have a browse through those. I've seen the dog games and perfect fit ones....time to do some shopping now I think! That's a...
[IMG] Want to get a harness for this cheeky chappie. In general he walks so well on the lead that I have to keep checking he is still...
Hehe,I'm 5ft2 and my partners and the father of my children is 6ft 5! One 6 lb and one 8lb baby :) think it works a little differently for dogs...
Why didn't I think of that! I straight away thought of what might happen if she ended up in a 'normal' shelter. Breed rescue is a far better idea.
I think the better question would be would you be happy with her with someone else?! Could you find something cheaper but still good quality to...
It's definitely a cat!
No hope for our house then with a staffie and a lurcher here! May as well hang a sign on the door saying 'come on in and help yourself!'
I see. I have a bull lurcher and have a,ready been told he's not a lurcher just a mongrel. Lol. I'm not bothered as I think of them more as a type. I...
I've always thought of them as more of a type than a breed and I thought their make up was a matter of opinion as I've know people who said on a...
She's lovely, and I was only saying yesterday how much I liked the name Luna!
Ooo exciting! What's she called?
Every other day?! I wish! I really am not a clean freak (a 2 and 3 year old daughter and two dogs means I can't be) but I have to Hoover at least...
I've had a variety of mongrels and Tonks is the first staffie ive had. I never thought I would be someone to stick to one breed/type but since having...
Face looks more husky like really.
Mine loves her motorbike tyre. :)
Hi, In my opinion staffies are great....which is why I chose to have one. If you get a puppy you need to really read up up on positive early...
No i don't think they molt and all the ones i have met (which is only a handful) have been friendly, confident and enjoyed cuddles. That's all...