Breedia Dog Forum
I can't remember if you said you'd had a dog before but I think the best thing you could do is read...lots and lots ...on positive modern training...
Lots of dogs can have black or spotted tongues, ranging from unusual breeds I the very common ones. I never realised there were is are...
Beautiful! Who knows what is in her as I also see something different in each picture. In the first I saw German Shepherd....then Akita...then maybe...
I'm not an expert but the second depends on the first and the answer to the first is .....lots! much as possible! :)
Yes they nanny be all sorts of sizes depending ont he size of either of the parents.
I think house training has more to do with how possitivley you deal with it, how watchful and consistent you are and how they are kept in their very...
Oh, and I got our first sighthound three months ago, rescued him when he was 4 months old, and he is has been an easy and generally lazy puppy. [IMG]
Do you know of any breeder with near you? They are absolutely gorgeous!
Can see why you fell in love! Beautiful puppies!
They look lovely and less aloof than Borzoi.
Yes that is a consideration. Whippets can be very easy as adult dogs but are usually described as Naughty as puppies! :)
Oh and Staffies barely shed at all, and their coat is so short you don't really notice what comes off. House training, as with all training, depends...
Mmm I would rule whippet out as they I wouldn't have thought they would like to run long distance. Most sighthounds like to sprint for short bursts...
Mmmmm hard one. Tonks is pretty near perfect really! Possibly a Harlequin Great Dane. Also love Irish Wolfhounds and Leonbergers, and...
What's happened to the second one?! Muzzle full of snow? :?
Hehe, that's not cheating! That's training! I'm always armed with treats and a clicker. :)
We have a lovely padded collar now. He doesn't pull usually, he walks so well tha I have to keep checking he is on the end of the lead still. He only...
Oh and did I mention that just after this picture was taken he stuck his head back under the duvet.....and threw up in the bed!!
Hehe..yes that's a dog swaddled in my duvet! He sleeps in his own bed in the corner of our bedroom at night. Then asks to get into bed in the morning...