Breedia Dog Forum
now before everyone shouts, i couldnt think of how to word the title properly :blush: :lol: obviously white are normal too :lol: :lol: do you...
after getting involved in hunting recently, the common dogs that are out (other than the pack of fox hounds) are lurchers and terriers... now im...
Having been at a show today it's got me thinking about my next dog, even though I love my cresteds and can see me always having one or two I know I'm...
oooh just found out, my favourite bitch is being mated when she has her next season. i absoultely love this dog and have had the joy of looking after...
oh well its only been on 5 minutes and it doesnt look good... they had the puppy at 5 weeks old :evil: it bites the woman owner constantly, even...
all i can say is what am i letting myself in for? :lol: :lol: :lol: mine wont be like that hopefully!
after umming and ahhing over what do i want next, and doing ALOT of research, i had decided on the weimaraner. despite what people were telling me, i...
after devildogz has started border collie war :lol: :lol: :lol: i thought this thread should be started, so you can all post pictures of your "best"...
i have posted numerous threads... and now this section has come up i thought i may as well post here. im researching my next dog, and genuinely...
im getting broody again :lol: so guys give me my fix and post as many sibe and mal pics as you like :grin: :grin: go ahead post away :grin:
as im doing my research, i come across the line "cant be let offlead" i agree with this completely after reading everything about offlead dogs, i...
having a day off today ive been throwing myself into some research on what dog i want next. and even though i have been told that they arent for...
after looking on some rescue sites there seems to be northern inuits popping up, more than there is normally, and because of this ive been looking at...
as alot of you know im on the hunt for my next dog which is going to be a bigger dog than i already have, and i want to work it in some way. its out...
i just watched the film this morning :grin: one of my favourites :lol: and it occured to me this morning that normally disney films involving...
i like both of these breeds, and after deciding my next dog is going to be a bigger breed im starting to look into the ones i like. (there are two...
thought this would be interesting thread for those of you that have gundogs, or like me just love the majority of them and are hard stuck which one...
not being at work im missing the flatcoats horribly :-( so come on guys out there with them, pleas give me your pictures.. i need them! :grin:
of looking on malamute rescue :-( some absolutely stunning dogs looking for homes :-( wish i could get another dog now :-(
everyone i need a malamute fix, reading through every single malamute thread on here, is still not enough so come on guys, pictures, pictures,...