Breedia Dog Forum
The poor old staffie gets too much flak, mine is a total babe and 100% trustworthy, like every other dog on the planet it all depends on how they're...
I would add finding a Pug in rescue isn't easy, if they do come in they are snapped up pretty quickly. Also with a rescue you have no clue regarding...
Yeah they are I took him with me when I had some photo's taken, thought it would be more relaxed.
yeah they told me that about the dogs chest freezer, they tried to sell me an extended warranty and when i accepted it they declined me lol but that...
Thanks for posting this Malka. Milan was without a doubt a mass of contradictions brought on by her appalling start in life. I was her fifth owner...
The fridge / freezer in my garage is 16 years old and has never gone wrong.
Why did I get a dog? That's really a hard question to answer in all honesty. My parents had dogs before I was born, I learnt to walk hanging off our...
[IMG] [IMG] Love my baby boy :049:
Ok I have 3 Pugs, they are bold outgoing crazy little critters. They get on with everyone and everything. I will say being KC registered counts for...
She's very cute indeed.
Diesel my staffy is ball mad but he's quite particular. He has a yellow large, hard rubber ball on a rope, no other colour will do :roll: . He also...
Seen it loads of times as the kids loved it, we were talking about it the other day and my sons both started quoting the film that's how often they...
I like London Zoo, Been to Whipsnade but although it's better for the animals it's not great for people cos half the animals are too far away to see....
My hearing is fine but I've always been a really light sleeper, the a/c isn't noisy just too noisy for me. As for the heating mine rarely went on and...
I've got air con in my bedroom but I'm a light sleeper and the hum keeps me awake so it's used to cool the room before bed but it has to go off at...
Lion cubs are cute Tina not so sure about full size ones. Have you swum with Dolphins yet?
Try not to worry Katy the cephacare may well clear it up and if it does there's no point stressing yourself out over what if's. The price of bloods...
Glad you enjoyed yourself Tina, although I get the impression you like to get the most out of life in spite of your disabilities:grin: You go girl....
Well it worked rather well, it was lovely and cool but when I woke up at about 5.30am for a wee It was no longer cool, the gel had turned to liquid...
Happy Birthday Margaret, hope you've had a good day x.