Breedia Dog Forum
My vet has stopped trying to convince me raw is bad and just accepts it now. I think the Pugs teeth might have convinced him a bit. Pugs have...
But would the visitors appreciate the level of attention a Staffie feels obliged to give?
Well trained dogs wouldn't be pulling though would they? You'd tell them to walk to heel or close etc and that's what they would do. If they didn't...
Ok I have to be honest, I wouldn't trust a rescue in this situation, it may work out ok and may not. As for controlling two big dogs, well, well...
I've only seen it in my own group tbh. Diesel who considers himself top dog ( he's the biggest and strongest but sadly a bit thick bless) so isn't,...
Just replied to this on Dogsey but No never seen the need, never had a dog with a dodgy tummy.
We had a terrible storm last night too, seemed like the thunder and lightening was right outside the windows. It even made me jump at one point and...
Obviously I'd go for the Dobermann, mine were always fine with the cold even though their coats were fine. They don't need to be trained to guard and...
Well Azz started the thread with this....................... The topic has been raised in another thread - what are the pitfalls of taking a puppy...
Well I thought Tikva had her own thread anyway and this one wasn't about Tikva but Pups in general.
To be fair that wouldn't be what a reputable breeder would do, firstly they don't generally let anyone view before 4 weeks at the earliest. They...
Lol my worst one was caused yanking the jaws of a Border Collie apart while it was ragging my friends Pug. She stood their screaming for me to do...
Well we've been looking after the tiniest scrap of a kitten who wasn't growing and he's now fit enough to go to his new home and weighs in at 500grms...
I've dealt with a few, the worst being a staffie and a terrier, thankfully Diesel the staffie has brilliant bite inhibition so will only do what is...
Well the rspca are so effective a friend has been feeding a cat through the letterbox of a glass porch where the cat is locked in. The cat is...
That was a very odd little rant, firstly you quoted the same post twice and accused her of talking rubbish which it wasn't but hey. You then go on to...
As long as the dogs have food and water the rspca won't do anything
I don't think the name thing matters much tbh Tucson was called destiny by her breeder and came home at 16 weeks and was coming to her new name...
Well I dunno where the pictures went but if you click on the words and now and on rescue day it takes you to the pics on Photobucket
We all know they want it and they want it now and to hell with the consequences, easy come easy go in most cases. Pet becomes ill they can't afford...