Breedia Dog Forum
She did such a good job! He looks amazing! What a patient boy.
A lot of people go for crossbreeds for working, health and temperament purposes.
I will only be going this year to see Hans's father compete in CGC. He does the breed proud with his amazing obedience and just general behavior.
They are absolutely precious!
It sounds like you are doing great. Keep up the good work!
The best way I have found to avoid dental cleanings is to feed raw. My dogs go through their entire lives without ever needing a cleaning. My pup is...
Dogs, just like all intelligent animals (humans included) will make and keep friends throughout their lifetime. My last dog, a Labrakita, had a two...
That's my Hans! lol
My Top 4 favorite breeds: Boerboel [MEDIA] Airedale Terrier [MEDIA] [MEDIA] Akita [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] Alaskan Malamute [MEDIA] [MEDIA]...
Apparently dogs can have it! I would definitely mention this to your veterinarian and see what can be done.
I've lost two dogs to cancer. Both were vaccinated according to the the traditional schedule. Rhodesian Ridgebacks seem like fine dogs, but it's...
Hello. I absolutely adore Rough Collies! To prevent help skin infections, give the dog a teaspoon of honey with each meal. What you are describing...
Your pup is still very young. Each dog is an individual. The bell technique is a good one. Like I said, she is very young and shouldn't be expected...
The more you train a dog, the better. But, some dogs are just smarter than others. Overall, the breed has average intelligence. It's good that you...
Are you talking about a Beagle puppy or a litter of Beagle puppies? I'm confused.
I don't have a Parson Russell Terrier, but a friend of mine has 7. Coat: Smooth and Broken: Whether smooth or broken, a double coat of good sheen,...
Can you upload the video again? It's not working!
Awww...She is adorable! All your fish are absolutely gorgeous!
This is my absolute favorite! Can you guess why? [MEDIA]
Congratulations on your new Huskita puppy! They are a great cross! I've raised many puppies. I currently have an 8-week-old Boerboel. When you first...