Breedia Dog Forum
I hope he feels better soon. Your daughter is taking excellent care of him.
If I had to just guess by looking at the photos, I would say Boerboel x Rhodesian Ridgeback x Bloodhound.
For a dog, dry skin leads to an itchy dog. Dry skin with a dull, brittle, thin coat may also be a sign of a protein deficiency. Is your dog...
I would recommend a Boston Terrier, Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Glen of Imaal Terrier, Pembroke Welsh Corgi or Swedish Vallhund.
This is the best. Just one great thing about giant breeds! My pup is a Boerboel, only 8-weeks-old, and has already started growling at strangers! I...
Being from the US, these dogs look like pure American Bulldogs. They look like they come from Scott lines. At some point, Alan Scott began infusing...
Don't let your dog have free access to a lot of liquids when he is dehydrated, as drinking too much too fast could cause vomiting. Many conditions...
Storm is gorgeous! I absolutely love the videos!
LOL - I love that.
Here's the truth in one sentence: The initial purchase price of a dog is a drop in the bucket compared to the other expenses of dog ownership. No,...
Granitor is just a line of Bedlington Terriers. Granitor/Plashett is a pretty common line cross within the breed. Granitor/Gentleman Jack is another...
He's a Labrador Retriever, so I'm not surprised he is overweight. Some dogs, like people, are just built with a little extra. As long as he is...
I agree. I've made that mistake before. lol I'm planning on getting a Plakat Koi Betta boy to put in with them.
Tonight is oddly warmer than today!
I've done some more research on the subject. Lymphedema is a medical in which localized fluid retention and tissue swelling are caused by a...
Removing mats can be an extremely uncomfortable process for your dog. Before you begin, you can spray your dog's coat with a detangling spray....
It sounds like you chose a good place for your pup to go. I wish him luck. I'm very sorry you had to re-home him. Both families sounded good, but 2...
Partly cloud and cold...
I love fish, too. I find them so soothing to watch. I have 6 Red Coral Tail Guppy boys.
So cute! I'm glad to see he's getting some exercise!