Breedia Dog Forum
Loving all the bat-eared mutts in particular :049:
If it's a proper mutt, fair enough. If it's a first cross, it is worthwhile knowing what exactly it's crossed with, nothing to do with designer...
Fabulous mutts, everyone. Mine is obviously the best though 8) I know the feeling :lol: Can't see the pics? :-( She's definitely a gorgeous...
I really don't see what the problem is. It's quite normal when you have an unknown mix to wonder what went in there. No need for the attitude of...
Thought there ought to be one of these for all our dogs that are of mixed heritage :mrgreen: My boy [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Too right, I've just been working it out and I'm wondering where it all comes from :shock: Main costs for my GSD cross - £20 per month...
He's a beauty :007:
Obsessed, really? I think the OP is just curious. It may help her to understand her little dog more.
It's just the way it is that breeds tend to go in and out of fashion. I've always thought English setters were beautiful dogs, have never seen one in...
Bassug or Basset x pug (why?!) How lovely.
Good grief. I like mixed breeds a lot and I think they have a place (no doodle hate from me) but some of those really are just taking the mick. Bagle...
I usually go for dark coloured dogs, but I like yellow labs the best, I think. Black a close second.
:lol: You're probably right. *sob*
Oh dear, my boy's half GSD and a quarter lab. I've already resigned myself to him acting like an idiot until he's at least four.
I've only met the one Labradoodle in the flesh, he looks very much like an FCR but with an odd sort of wavy coat. Lovely boy. He was a rehome from a...
Gelert ended up slightly smaller than I expected (he's a German shep x rottie/lab and will probably fill out to less than 30kg), but that's hardly a...
Hate to be unimaginative but a golden retriever :lol: There are a few other breeds I rather like but I'd love to have a golden one day.
Brilliant :mrgreen:
Must say that doesn't sound like a fun mix to live with.
Hows about these ears? :lol: [IMG]