Breedia Dog Forum
Got to be one of the cutest puppies I've seen in a while :007:
I used to, but not after hearing of horror stories on here. Ball/Kong on a rope only now.
It is concerning. The vast, vast majority of people have no business owning dogs like that. In the wrong hands they sound like an accident waiting to...
Love this thread :049:
Gorgeous boy :007: Such a stunning breed, but I'd never be up to owning one.
It's not a trend I've noticed around here, yet. So sad whenever a breed becomes too fashionable and they end up getting discarded like this :(
Looking at those dogs you wouldn't believe they were the same breed as the poor creature I linked to. Where did it all go wrong?
My thoughts exactly. I don't know how the owner has the nerve to show him, but the fact that he actually made it into the ring is unbelievable.
Looking at the rest of the blog there are more examples of some seriously deformed dogs :(
I am horrified by the state of this poor dog. Unbelievable.
I love that :mrgreen:
I'd consider mastiffs (of any type) and akitas both to be specialist dogs so crossing them together isn't likely to make a particularly 'easy' pet...
Liked the look of the German Pinscher today, but I don't know a great deal about them. Also the Dobermann, I've always been a fan of dobes.
He's beautiful :049: Another lovely lab mix, the best kind :grin:
I know the feeling. Had a couple of bad walks with my boy recently and that always makes me feel down. But us humans tend to fixate more on the bad...
I'm sorry you're having a bad time with him. I know how it is to feel like you just can't deal with it any more. Diesel is still very young and it...
Beautiful :049: Can't go wrong with a nice lab cross :-)
I would agree that the labrador's good reputation doesn't always do them any favours - they are lovely but still big, strong dogs who need a lot of...
Oh dear :lol:
All beauts :049: Muffin reminds me a bit of the dog in Woof!, if anyone remembers that :lol: