Breedia Dog Forum
Poor Mij. Seems it's standard for us men to only get a third of the bed;) [IMG]Camera Roll-685 by -dinners85- [IMG]Camera Roll-683 by -dinners85-
[img]Camera Roll-675 by -dinners85-
She normally sits so nice when her food is soaking. First time she's tried to get up to it. This has to stop before she gets any bigger but I...
Not the best vantage point but the sky was amazing tonight. More dramatic than last night's moon and at a far more sociable hour :grin:...
The sun is shining and young Willow is making the most of it. [img]Camera Roll-623 by -dinners85- [img]Camera Roll-622 by -dinners85- [img]Camera...
14 weeks old now. 23" at the withers and more or less 20kg She dug her first hole today and seemed very pleased with herself. [img]Camera Roll-573...
I shouldn't laugh but it's a good thing. Willow is now tall enough to reach the cat's supper. I saw it coming as she reared up but I let it play...
I've come to the conclusion. When it's late, dark, rainy & muddy. ....a Lab wants a bed, a Wolfhound wants in and a Springer wants out !
Willow the IWH. She's put on a growth spurt this week but it seems her feet are still spurting quicker :grin: .......... [img]Camera Roll-568 by...
Willow seems to have caught Mij up already ........ [img]Camera Roll-561 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on Flickr [img]Camera Roll-560 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn,...
Willow and Mij having cuddles. ;) [img]Camera Roll-562 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on Flickr
Bit picture heavy so sorry about that. Just a few from the garden. This pair are becoming really good friends. [img]2O0I1770 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn,...
Picked up a new bed for Willow. 5' x 3' which should do her for now. Waterproof weight supporting mattress inner with washable outer and spare...
Pointer x Lab feet (almost 40KG) next to those of a 12 week puppy :eek: [img]Camera Roll-516 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on Flickr [img]Camera Roll-515...
All giving it big zzzzzs. Breagh (8) Mij (2) Willow (12 weeks) [IMG]Camera Roll-505 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on Flickr
This pair are good buddies.....:grin: [img]Camera Roll-495 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on Flickr [img]Camera Roll-496 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on Flickr...
I think Breagh (Lab) is beginning to realise this puppy is a bit different :? [img]Camera Roll-476 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on Flickr
I'm going to have to do some DIY. In and out of the back door is fine and I can obviously lock it. The front has to remain locked at all times....
This pair are quickly becoming best buddies. They play nice but if things get too wild then I call time. 10 weeks and she's getting big - still...
;-) [img]Camera Roll-462 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on Flickr [img]Camera Roll-463 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on Flickr