Breedia Dog Forum
But sadly no more..... ;)
Must be almost home time.......... [img]Camera Roll-1048 by -dinners85- [img]Camera Roll-1047 by -dinners85-
A few recent ones of Willow - Willow / Mij.......... 1 [img]2O0I2452 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on Flickr 2 [img]2O0I2449 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on...
Not the best picture but it's not often I get all my 3 in the one shot..... Willow (8 months) Mij (3 years) Breagh (8 years) [img]2O0I2495 by Phil...
[img]Camera Roll-956 by -dinners85-
Willow, Breagh & Mij ;) [IMG]Camera Roll-922 by -dinners85- [IMG]Camera Roll-921 by -dinners85-
6 months of age and she she still nods off sucking my thumb lol [IMG]Camera Roll-916 by -dinners85-
Given up with the shop bought Kongs 10" solid sea floats work a treat [img]Camera Roll-906 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on Flickr [img]Camera Roll-907...
Wishing you all the best for 2016 First job for me - teaching the pup some table manners. [img]Camera Roll-898 by -dinners85-
Had an email today from the lady that is making Willow's collar to say she's finished it and it will be posted tomorrow. She sent a few pics and I'm...
Following on from Ezee's Pit Bull thread containing the old images, I thought I'd follow this up in the wolfhound section....
She may be a big goofy oaf of a pup but (as per when she she was small) she still needs my thumb to help her nod off on her duvet. [img]Camera...
We're getting there with young Willow.... [img]Camera Roll-854 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on Flickr [img]Camera Roll-853 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on Flickr
A lovely surprise for them this morning.... I have a vid of the dogs but I can't get You-Tube to upload [img]Camera Roll-819 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn,...
She's beefing up a bit now Just up to my belt just now at 25 weeks but very long. She puts her legs on my shoulders and I'm six foot. She's so...
Downstairs tonight due to children and musical beds. Could be worse. Crackling fire and a big hairy teddy [img]Camera Roll-778 by -dinners85-...
Poor Mij - always in the wars........ [img]Camera Roll-838 by -dinners85- [img]Camera Roll-837 by -dinners85-
Young Willow on her holiday. She's put a spurt on and is now 27/28" at the shoulder at 20 weeks. Really nice to see her bond with Breagh during the...