Breedia Dog Forum
Re Yellow Flatcoated Retriever. Yellow is not a colour permitted in the breed standard and cannot be registered, Yellows do sometimes appear in...
I note that Chatham Hill Retriever is marked TM (Trademark). These are cross bred dogs, nothing more, nothing less - some will be great, others not...
Hello Sherwood20. I had a male as my first flatcoat and he was an absolute joy. Yes he did get frisky and hump even after being neutered, but he...
Totally agree with Ramble about flat coated retrievers. We have had two and you could not get a better breed. Get the right relationship with them...
I do have photos, but have not found out how to post them onto this site yet.
I would have a flatcoated retriever any day. They are not for everyone as they are very demanding and it is true that they are the peter pan of...
I have a fcr and used to have a pair but my male died last year. Currently we have a 7 year old female and are thinking of adding a male pup.