Breedia Dog Forum
Spot on ClareandDaisy - - to pinch a well loved quote -"life (and first crosses) are like boxes of chocolates - you never know what you are going to...
Oh lovely - I hope she has not been docked. Like has already been said she will probably be high energy and very intelligent. An ideal country dog....
I have just watched the Westminster video and I freely admit I do not know the GSD breed in any depth. However, I was quite shocked by the movements...
My old male was a wonderful howler - a deep musical soul stiring sound. Luna would join him and they had some lovely sessions together, especially...
My dogs are flatcoated retrievers - a very active and working gundog breed. I think one of the true "natural behaving" breeds around today -...
This is purely my personal view, but I believe a dog needs to live with you as part of your family (however many are in your family). By having them...
What a flatcoat and a Boxer ??? - they would have a great time, but would you and your mum :044:
Yes coffee is good for flu - especially with some "liver" in it. :mrgreen:
Beautiful dogs, I only have one now and have had a very large male, who was magnificent. They are not a breed for everyone, they are very demanding...
Aha Willow - So you are an International Spy "with a silver astin martin did you say - mmm impressive". There are comments to be made, but I could...
Foxybass ? Stop!! you are killing me and I have got flu - I could well die and then where would my Lunabuna be wihout me.
Just seen your post Ramble, so am a bit late responding - There are exceptions (and I have seen one with a most peculiar head) but generally if I was...
Thank you Borderdawn for the information. I think I am actually going to "play safe" and stick with the breeds I know and love. Borders are very...
Thank you Borderdawn - I think what I really need to find out is a bit about the "terrier" aspect. I have come across a few and I understand that...
I am fairly new to this site and have never had a terrier breed before (I am a flatcoated retriever owner and fan). I very much like the look of the...
For me temperament is paramount and this would make Fenton a good dog in my books, but then I don't know much about GSDs although if I ever...
Ah but I did say I liked the last dog the best and would take him if offered. To me he seemed like the most natural and best looking dog. Fenton of...
I would take the last one in the black and white pic (?Fenton of Kentwood?)
For Ramble Yes does depend on breeding - but really the thing is that what most people want is a good, well-bred dog with a temperament true to the...
For Ramble - I looked on the site you gave and noticed that Ch. Inkwells Named Shadow was back in the pedigree. I saw the Inkwells dog win Champion...