Breedia Dog Forum
Hello Sue, I am pleased to hear Jazz has recovered from his slip on the floor and he was not badly injured. Flatcoats are such lively, inquisitive...
I think with a Brittany you have chosen a versatile breed and from the little I know about them they can be good all-rounders. I think if I were in...
As has been said you need to ensure that you have all the basic commands firmly in place first. You are taking on an adolescent dog, so you need to...
But the pups will NOT be "improved" bulldogs - they will be mongrels and you cannot register them with your AKC. :? They could also be the opposite...
Sharp one Claire :043: :043: :043:
The puppies you get as a result of this mating will NOT be pedigree dogs - they will be crossbred with no official papers. You cannot expect to sell...
He's growing up to be a very handsome lad.
Hello Pam2 What are flatcoats like to live with? As one who is totally smitten with this breed I am bound to be biased, but I cannot say they are...
Hello Carrieme I have just noticed that you have joined Dogsey and so welcome. Dogsey is a great forum and there is usually someone ready to reply...
I agree Westie, it is very sad. Unfortunately, I don't think this person will take much notice of anyone. She didn't put up the topic asking for...
Don't be concerned if you do think your puphas rottie in him. We had one near us a big male and he was gentle as a lamb. He was owned by a lady...
Looks like some labrador/retriever in him and possibly some collie (looking at the ears).
Hairy :lol: :lol: Sorry about that - I can imagine, but really would have no idea. Interesting to know what sort of coat it will have and what...
What a lovely pup - beautiful markings. Will you put update photos etc. on as he develops. An interesting cross - I like the retriever/collie type...
Hello again, Just been looking at the Shetland Sheepdog breed standard and black and white is a recognised colour. There is also black and tan...
When you say bi-black shetland sheepdogs, do you mean tri-colour (predominately black, with white and a bit of tan). I am not sure if black and...
Two cents well said - I believe this applies to a lot of breeds. good post. :039:
Have you thought about a flat coated retriever? They are excellent workers and if you have a sense of humour you will never be bored with a...
Nice photos - hardly dare say it, but they remind me a bit of some labradoodles I have seen (aren't I naughty - only joking :043:
I have seen an Afghan at a lure coursing event and it was one of the fastest dogs there, although it was in the group with the large dogs, wolfhounds...