Breedia Dog Forum
Had an email today from the lady that is making Willow's collar to say she's finished it and it will be posted tomorrow. She sent a few pics and I'm...
Not since they were younger.
I have to turn the sound down too lol
'Barachois Just a Breeze' is her name lol
I love Dobermans Never had one but my eldest Cousin has has been involved with breeding them for 30 years or so now. When I was a nipper he had a...
[img]Camera Roll-870 by -dinners85- [img]Camera Roll-869 by -dinners85-
Mine is just lying here farting lol
It's a very moving tale. I've been there a few times over the years (lovely place) and perhaps I'll take Willow next time....
Holy thread revival - any more ESS owners / pics on here of late ?
Fantastic gesture. We also have donation boxes in the supermarket where you can buy something from the pet section and donate it to our local rescue.
Looks like he's been on a sandpaper treadmill.
Following on from Ezee's Pit Bull thread containing the old images, I thought I'd follow this up in the wolfhound section....
Can't find it now but I've read many times about 7 wolfhounds being an old noble time gift. I'll get back to you about it as there are some great...
Historically it was a gift. Look it up lol. Imagine that eek Leave it with me........
Sorry about my previous spelling. Typed fast on my ipad and then realised the edit facility had expired. I'm happy to discuss with you and give you...
Really enjoyed looking at this thread. It reminded me very much of the old sepia images of when giving 7 irish wolfhounds was a traditional gift....
Rescue is good but as per Opheila's post do through official IWHR. They are are breed that many may wish to re home for reasons that can either cost...
Thanks Apologies I missed your reply. Just trying to take things easy as she continues to grow. Currently looking to move her onto a adult diet...
I know of two UK KC Assured Breeder October born litters. Both feature on...
She may be a big goofy oaf of a pup but (as per when she she was small) she still needs my thumb to help her nod off on her duvet. [img]Camera...