Breedia Dog Forum
Lovely looking lad. Nothing wrong with getting a second given you're at home and know the breed. It's up to you but don't rush in though. Bambu is...
Not intentional Ezee. I'm going easy with her in terms of diet and exercise.
I'm going over old ground but taking the breed I know best (English Springer Spaniel) it's a subject which fascinates me. I'm all for any changes to...
Willow, Breagh & Mij ;) [IMG]Camera Roll-922 by -dinners85- [IMG]Camera Roll-921 by -dinners85-
That'll be me very soon. A picture of contentment if ever there was one. I may be the teddy though.
Taller than me now when she puts her arm pits on my shoulders. Still all gangly pup though lol
6 months of age and she she still nods off sucking my thumb lol [IMG]Camera Roll-916 by -dinners85-
Given up with the shop bought Kongs 10" solid sea floats work a treat [img]Camera Roll-906 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on Flickr [img]Camera Roll-907...
Lovely pictures. It's great to see them stretch their legs.
Wishing you all the best for 2016 First job for me - teaching the pup some table manners. [img]Camera Roll-898 by -dinners85-
I don't keep collars on mine all the time. That said Willow is big and gets in the way a lot so it is quite handy to be able to just hold her collar...
Worth reading this page should you be considering one.
S She's open to any variations or changes you want.
It's not a plug but This was made for me by Hannah Morley in North Yorkshire. She is a one lady business that goes under the name of...
Congratulations - exciting times ! Which reminds me - I must get myself booked in for the snip. For some reason it keeps slipping my mind.
Best to get checked but I'm sure it will be ok. My Breagh had a lot of external and internal stitches with her spay which from memory wasn't that...
Strangely it's a Christmas present. To me ☺️
Just hope it fits lol
Blimey. I've not even started this years yet.