Breedia Dog Forum
Looking at the first picture - I'd say definitely a 'lurcher' with some sighthound / long dog in the mix. Deerhound in the mix would be my stab in...
Sounds lovely x
Not had a inconvenient poo yet thank goodness. I've had a poo bag in my coat pocket since August. Willow just doesn't poo anywhere apart from at...
I went and told the lady on the till. She was lovely and told me it happens all the time. She pulled about 4 squares of kitchen roll from the...
Great stuff. I took Willow to PAH in Perth the other day and she flooded the place
She's pretty tufty in those pics. She brushes smooth but ultimately she still has her soft puppy coat. She's at the age now for hand stripping if I...
Looks fierce but they're just playing face wrestling. Willow still turns and runs with her tail between her legs if Mij or Breagh get shirty with...
A few recent ones of Willow - Willow / Mij.......... 1 [img]2O0I2452 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on Flickr 2 [img]2O0I2449 by Phil Jerrard-Dinn, on...
Not the best picture but it's not often I get all my 3 in the one shot..... Willow (8 months) Mij (3 years) Breagh (8 years) [img]2O0I2495 by Phil...
I 'liked' but shouldn't have really. I got the xxxx kicked out of me many years ago. Brocken nose / two black shut eyes that needed popping to...
Ouch - that is painful. Have you sneezed yet ?
God knows where the time goes. Seems 5 mins since I had Skye, Fingal and young Breagh. Now Breagh is my oldie with young Mij and Willow. The older...
As said already - he'll be a 'Bonny boy' at this age and he's just in his new home. Give it a bit of time.
I would start out here - speak to some of the breeders on the (KCAB) list....
[img]Camera Roll-956 by -dinners85-
Just over 40 kg / 90 lbs at the moment.
I'll try and weigh her later on today but I suspect she's not as heavy as you think.
Aye - the pics are deceptive. She's slightly taller than the average bitch of her age but that means nothing just now. At this age they grow in...
I'm not size obsessed as some seem to be but I do take the odd measurement. Yes she's stretching - (32") at the back (43") at the head but it's a...