Breedia Dog Forum
Actually I didn’t “make” them do an ultrasound, I just went In and said this it not normal please do whatever you need to do to figure this out lol....
That’s exactly what happened with my dog when he was a puppy, but it was even more frequent then 30-45 min most times. He would sleep the night in my...
I would definitely not leave stuff lying around, shoes, shorts, socks, anything that isn’t a toy make sure is put away. Set her up for success. As...
Thank you I will check those videos out! He is to young for obedience classes right now, he’s 3 months old but once he is 4 months and has had all...
I have been taking Max on little walks down the street to get him use to the outside, noises, seeing people etc...Took him out today with my other...
Hi all! I have a question about weight. Max is 12 weeks old and weighed in today at 29 pounds. He is a Belgian Mal/German shepherd mix, any...
You can always just try the Uromaxx, it’s over the counter, you can even get it on Amazon. It’s basically cranberry extract and some other stuff,...
Yeah I totally understand, my guy was the same way. Hope you find a solution soon.
I had a puppy I got at 7 weeks old and he was peeing in the house ALL the time up until like 6 months old. I knew puppies peed a lot but it was...
My 3 month old puppy Max and my 1 year old dog Joey get along really well, I’ve had Max since he was 6 weeks and they are the best of friends, play...
Max is 11 weeks old now and I can’t believe how big he has gotten. It’s been a while since I had a large breed puppy lol. He is doing great, him and...
I have a lab/Saint Bernard mix with lab hair. She sheds a lot but this time of year she sheds a lot more then normal, it’s been happening this past...
The first time my puppy saw another dog, I was holding him and walking up to a Starbucks where a giant Akita was, my puppy screamed bloody murder....
Also wanted to ask, what about swimming? If he likes it can he swim? Supervised with me of course. I have a fence around my pool currently so I’m the...
Hello! Have a quick question, it’s been a while since I have had a large breed puppy. He will be fully vaccinated soon, and is very high energy. For...
Just want to clarify, I didn’t take him out in public with the patches on. I just took this picture at home when I fitted him. The patches will be...
Thanks! He certainly is all ears! Lol. I wasn’t planning on training him for “service”, I just wanted him to be a really well trained dog. However...
Hello! Update on Max! He will be 10 weeks old tomorrow. He’s been doing soooo good, except with the crate/pen training, omg will he ever stop crying...
I have, I liked it. I felt better knowing the dogs were being watched and playing with other dogs. The only thing I didn’t like was that they got a...
hello! So Max is now 7 weeks and he is super smart! In just one week he learned his name, to come when called ( mostly), sit, down, up, shake, and...