Breedia Dog Forum
I would love to run with Max but he is only 4 1/2 months old. The plan is for him to be my new running buddy once he gets the all clear from the vet...
She said it looks like an abrasion and due to the fact he is a 4 month old puppy that that is most likely what it is and suggested putting neosporin...
Sent photos to the Vet and spoke with her and she said it’s just an abrasion, that if I can, to put neosporin on it, how I’m gonna do that without...
It looks wider in the picture, it actually fits him really well. I never keep collars on the dogs while we are home but since I had just gotten it, I...
Thank you everyone ! I am planning on taking him to the Vet, the responses I got on my Facebook page are what scared me. Just wanted your opinions on...
Here’s an upclose pic
max is 4 months and the other day I noticed what I thought was just a little cut on his nose, but then today I noticed it is spreading, I posted the...
Great read, thank you!
Thanks for the reply. The park I brought him to was just a normal park,not a dog park. I just wanted to walk him around to get used to things and it...
im so annoyed. So Max just turned 4 months and got his final shots, so yesterday I started taking him to the park so he can get used to dogs cause...
Not before I go run, I always assumed he pooped when we woke up or sometime after, I leave the slider open for the dogs while I’m having my tea. I...
Max is 4 months old now. Potty training wise he is doing really well, holds it all night and during the day he is good too, I’m home most of the day...
I was gonna post about this too! I don’t have a border terrier but my dog has been having anal gland issues for the last 6 months and it’s driving me...
I was under the impression that with females, it’s better to spay them before their first heat cycle. I may be wrong, I got my female spayed at 6...
I always get a dog pen, and use it as a gate to block the puppy off into one area, like just the living room where I mostly hang out so he isn’t...
Ok great good to know, thanks! I typically do make him do a sit stay if he starts barking at other dogs and make him stay in a sit till they pass. I...
Hi! I have a question regarding my puppy Max, his is 3 1/2 months old, a German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois mix. Max is a great puppy, super smart,...
Thank you, they are the best fur babies! I received some new treats and had grabbed five and when I turned around that was what I saw, so I snapped...
My big fat 3 month old baby with his “auntie.” Max is growing so fast, I notice a change everyday! Love this boy! He’s smart and goofy, and such a...
Yeah the Uromaxx definitely helps! It take like 4-7 days to kick in but it helped me for sure! I also bought a small portable rug cleaner, mich...