Breedia Dog Forum
haha this is brill. Love all the stories. Sometimes it sounds like we are murdering him or doing something god awful to him....nope...he's just...
haha glad I'm not the only one :)
Anyone else find that staffies dont whine or whinge....They scream?! Lol. Mine makes these weird high pitched "Chewbacca" noises and if say we...
American Pitbull Terrier all the way.
Would you consider a rescue staff? If you can rescue a dog we all know the shelters are overflowing with them! They can easily keep up play with a...
Unfortunately you do get alot of people out there that dont like bullies - cross bred or pedigree. There are plenty of dog breeds out there that I...
yeah totally know what you mean - there are dogs that I would be the same about. I suppose really it depends on your situation at the time - what...
what about a PUPPY from a RESCUE :-D
Although I do like JRTs they definitely have much more of the "terrier" nature, they can be quite feisty little dogs - definitely a big dog in a...
Spot on.....
Not trying to put the poor woman off buying a blue dog - nothing wrong with them at all. I personally just think it is better to go down the route of...
Not saying ALL blues have problems and ALL breeders breeding blue are bad, but I would haev to question their ethics that their prime focus is...
Staffies... Recognised in 1935, probably one of the more well known dogs from back then would be Gentleman Jim born in 1937 [IMG] SIZE Weight:...
Completely agree with the above. Have just commented on your post on our beloved staffy forum Elaine, but I would seriously question the credability...