Breedia Dog Forum
ok i am going to try and upload some now Aww they are so cute the little horrors !!!!
Hi yes i have had the crazy pair two weeks now they are loopy but lovely we ended up calling them princess and spike or the demons !!
well they do get a heck of a lot of socialisation i have 5 children aged between 18months and 13 who spend a lot time with them everyday and they do...
Hi , i have two Hh pups 11 weeks old they are so bolshy and bold they are both fearless together and apart and think everyone wants to meet them...
wow he is lovely my boy pup has exactly the same markings down his front
One is for me one for my 13 year old daughter so they will have loads of fun
Yes they are from Dita i am so excited she is such a lovely lady lives just near my mums
Im also having her blue hh brother i feel very lucky and have lots of timeto devote to them both ,i have managed to put one in my profile and one as...
Hi i don't know how to upload any pics i have a little hh pink girl arriving at new year