Breedia Dog Forum
I saw one at a show yesterday - first one I have seen - looks like a very complicated coat - I can imagine it is a lot of work to keep clean!
Lovely dogs - I could look at pics of GSDs all day! A few pics of my boy taken today :grin: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I can't see how we can compare the video freeze of Elmo doing bitework to the other pics of dogs doing same :017: None of the others posted have...
My 'straighter back' GSD would tire more quickly on the job than a WGSL at a 'trotting' speed - his action is much more upright and less...
Everyone has a preference to the 'type' of GSD they like...mine is German show line...I LOVED this dog and was really pleased to see him win BOB...
Does sound like tiring work! Thanks for the explanation - very interesting thanks!
Wow lovely - what is grouse counting ? :blush:
See, I don't see a roach back on Jess - I think her shape looks good next to the breed standard. Or am I wrong?
I just watched the video of the BOB judging - most of them were dreadful on the move (just IMHO). Too chunky up front & low in the body for me....
WOW gorgeous boy Max - very handsome!
Fab pics everyone! Moobli - your new dog is a stunner! Here's Stone...showing off [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
My mum had a weim up til a few months ago. I know all dogs are different but that put me off them - I wouldn't have one. It's put my mum off having...
Burns here + wainwrights lamb trays or raw minced lamb. Only 2 poos a day - all good!
There should be a warning at the beginning of this thread.... Page 1 relates to the topic title Everything after that is just, well, bizarre!...
Not entirely sure what you are asking - difficult for people to comment without seeing a decent photo :102: