Breedia Dog Forum
Veery cute! I have a black and tan cav, he's amazing. X
Ooh I just found this online.... 'Fact 2 - Origin of the breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniels originated in England during the 1600's and were...
Thanks, that's really interesting :)
Sorry if this sounds a bit stupid. - Blenheim is a colour yes? How can colour dictate if they hunt? Toby has a 'hunting' instinct and a huge drive...
Haha no, maybe I should have just said cavs lol. X
Hi guys, Haven't posted on here since my Toby was tiiiiny my internets been stupid lol. Just a quicky, have cavalier king Charles spaniels ever...
Awwh :D Toby is currently 12 weeks :) he is black & tan. He's amazing!
Are there any on here? My boy is a CKCS. xx