Breedia Dog Forum
Right, so after having a break from medication to see how things go Toby is now on Vivitonin 50mg twice a day & it's not going well! It's only his...
Thank you Malka, yes you're right about keeping our thread as one, it could help someone else. Toby has been considerably more relaxed since stopping...
Oh thank you Carole, he's actually been a bit better this afternoon, more relaxed, so it was obviously diazepam not agreeing with him, infact he sat...
Thank you Malka, I must admit I feel as though I ought to have my own conversation going on, as I'm impinging on Deanas conversation really, maybe...
Thank you! As it happens the vet I usually see is away on holiday so I will see another vet today. I stopped his diazepam after yesterday mornings...
Thank you for replying, I thought 30mg of diazepam a day was excessive too, anyway I am back to the vets tomorrow, need to try something else as he's...
Hi Deana, I have only just joined the group & I was immediately drawn to your conversation & was wondering how your dog is doing & have you got any...