Breedia Dog Forum
No worries:grin: It's confusing isn't it?!
My sister has a year old mini short haired male called Hermit! He's very shy and timid,but one day he will come out of his shell!
Ok then,when he's finished his current food I will swop to adult,thankyou.
Can I ask why adult food now? I thought puppies needed the extra vits etc for growing bones? or is this an advertising ploy? Susi.
I was out walking my dogs and a lady commented on my JRT of 8 months, when I said the word puppy, she said at his size,he would now be an adult,is...
Argh, forgot to say,he's called cracker!
I have an 8 month old JRT.He's in my avatar,little cutie,but boy he's noisy! love him though,can't help it!