Breedia Dog Forum
They certainly love to give you lots of love and slobber but are just the most prefect breed , but then iam owned by 2 of them
Hi Stefanie iam yvonne and live in the heart of sherwood forest with my 2 spins and gbgv , how old is your little girl
hi there can anyone help me , iam having problems downloading pictures onto the site yvonne
Hi there here's a pic of our beautiful G.B.G.V Lulu [IMG] Yvonne
I have a G.B.G.V too, she's 2 and half now a real charcter they melt your heart , but you really need to met them in real life and read up about them
Hi Debs He's certainly doing well in his show career , are u at crufts this year ? It sounds certainly like the perfect set up ,...
It's great to met other Grand owners out there , Lulu is a little monster , she thinks she's the boss of our older laid back spins . I've only lost...
Hi there spinoni's are growing in numbers in America, i don't know how close any r too you , but once u met them u will fall in love...
Is there any one else out there who has a grand , i have a little girl white and sable called Lulu who was 2 in December spinyap
what lovely pics ................Spinyap ,Phanta and Maya
Hi all i've just joined dogsey and are owned by 2 spins at the moment Phanta a 4 year old orange roan out of linda's Brodie and Montecani...