Breedia Dog Forum
Relax, I understand. You aren't saying the KC have got their figures wrong. The KC ARE publishing accurate information but it's just 6 months out of...
Goodness me! The BVA and KC are starting to sound more and more incompetent by the minute!!! You say that lots of Border Terrier breeders hip...
Incidently, the pages on breeds on dogsy don't mention HD as a problem with these breeds: The Beagle: The...
You missunderstand. My point was that the KC accredited breeder scheme states that for many breeds hip scoring is neither recommended or required....
Why only hips and eyes? (Don't read that as an accusation - I'm just curious as to how breed clubs decide what's necessary and what isn't).
So it would seem that there are differing views over who is responsible for deciding which health tests are necessary for a given breed. Some of you...
Well lets just wait and see if that's the case. If there are knowledgeable breeders of the breeds in question on these forums they may be in a...
This is a valid point and it's one that I raised earlier in the thread. As I said then, my knee-jerk reaction is "why not perform ALL tests on ALL...
This is exactly what the vet adviser to the KC for the beagle breed says in the latest issue of Full Cry: I think you talk sense. In the case of...
You've told me this before - and then if I remember correctly you went on to tell me of two or three cases of health problems. Assuming you are...
Absolutely - I could never put my beloved pets' lives at risk in that way. They are both neutered - the bitch was neutered before her first season...
It sounds as if you're more wrapped up in test results than reality. In large breed dogs the experts say that there is a definite link between high...
Coincidentally, there was an article on this in the latest issue of "Full Cry" - the magazine for Beagle welfare. It was written by the vet who is...
At face value I'd agree that this seems to be the natural course of action. Why not test all breeds? Even if they're all zero there's no guarantee...
This certainly fits with everything that I've been told by breeders and vets.