Breedia Dog Forum
Thank you I will let him come to me...He's a lovely boy just hope we can sort this out...:-(
Thank you so much, he's taken some chicken from me so i hope he will come out from the corner soon...
He's just taken some warm chicken from my hand so maybe he will forgive me, I really hope so...
Thank you so much for your help...I will let you know how he goes...:-(
Thank you so much for your reply, he's a lovely wee thing and so far has followed me everywhere, now he is just staying away...Yes I should have...
Also I thought the vet may scare him!!! seems I've done it instead...
Hey I agree but he was walking badly, they are so long it looks like he has never had them done...He's maybe 3/5 years of age...Thank you for...
Hello everyone...Sorry but I'm new on here...Two days ago I adopted a stray Yorkshire Terrier, he was very nervous at first but has been getting much...