Breedia Dog Forum
GSDSLAVE THE POLICE DOG detective my dog has bin spayed also dose that look same pup no also look at last pic looks like my 10 week old pup grow...
My pup grow so fast over night lol not even same dog
It's not my dog look close not same also pup is different also I don't live in Warwickshire just same person as before wrong dog wrong person close...
Thank you malka
Your right mate feel silley now but I'm big enough too too admit wen I'm wrong which I was yes your right I'm just going too hold back if I'm not...
No she ok vet said 1 week after her sec jab which is today . Rocco owner said that was fine as he had someone interested still I got my money back...
Hope all is ok with your girl
Hi how are we all ? Well where do I start well I'm wrong you lot are right I had too take one puppy back after a week as the littermates thing was...
Better still I just going too leave join new one many more out there but I will say is good bye too juli Philippa who knows who thanks for your...
Good you both do that
Was just for the picture juli only way too take pics with out her moving lol
I got open pen they was fine they went sleep at 1am and got me up at 8am no dog mess wen I not up so Very happy think cuz Rocco was there she was...