Breedia Dog Forum
You have four Sisters???? But how can this be, as according to some your trend is discuss every aspect of your personal life on the forum! :017:...
I have an "old fashioned" show type, with working lines strewn in somewhere. Isla is your "hard as nails" type of Springer, sense of humour is...
That, to me anyway, goes someway to explaining the sloping topline asked for in the GSD breed standard: in order to give the dog that long flowing...
My next Lab will be a Leospring, love Carpenny Austin!
Cute dog! :049:
I once met someone in the park who was crossing Weims with Vizslak to create a new designer breed of chocolate pointers so it is a possibility, but...
In comparison to the work of a working gundog? Yes, sheepdog work and the resulting trials are predictable, that's why sheepdogs remain unchanged and...
Nice dog but certainly not symmetrically built, compact, strong, merry, active. Highest on leg and raciest in build of all British land Spaniels....
I find myself coming back to this quote mainly, I think, because the bit in bold sums up exactly what I've been trying to say all along about FT bred...
And after post #46 I posted what I really meant regarding the difference between breeding and training so I'm not sure why we're being made to...
Have you even bothered to read the thread? The obsession of winning trials is what has changed the breed, that's the point I'm making which came into...
The standard was created from the working dog. Form follows function is all very well, until the function changes. Which is exactly the point I'm...
That's all pretty much stuff I've heard before and the standard triallers response, which is fine, but not really worth replying to tbh. Can you...
Ah so you assume because I've done some showing that I must be from a background of showing dogs and therefore not from a background of working dogs...
I come from a showing background? Is that so, news to me! :lol: The only thing that is apparent is that judging people based purely on forum posts...