Breedia Dog Forum
Enjoy your Honeymoon. Be prepared...He's going to be a storm. My partner and I are in the middle of our Hurricane Tengri (12 months). Remember...Sam...
WOW..he is handsome, for sure. Does Ares have any direct European blood lines? How much does he weigh now?
We're having trouble with Tengri's aggression towards our cat. Our cat is indoors most of the day, and he is outside most of the day guarding our...
We have a 12 month old, intact 110 pound male ASD. Tengri is extremely protective of my partner (his Mommy) and is now showing signs of Alpha...
"Anatolian Shepherds will guard your heart"
I'm sorry to hear about you boy's anxiety. He seems to be very insecure and fears isolation. We have a 12 month old, 110 pound Anatolian male who is...
Thank you for this invaluable resource. I'll definitely devour this! We are working up a urban type homestead, so the goats and Tengri are outside...
Hello Everyone, I have a 7-month old male pure bred ASD. Tengri is a luv bug and highly intelligent, and of course he's mega-energetic. He is...