Breedia Dog Forum
You are right! It’s been a year I’ve had max. It’s just been in the last month he’s finally realized he’s got boundaries. He also is happier...
That was a long time ago. Turns out you are right. That’s exactly what he was doing, herding. Now he just stands back and monitors the whole thing....
With all the caution we’re using for the COVID, what’s going to happen when the hurricanes hit Florida and the Eastern Seaboard in a couple months?
If anything, it gives people assurance it’s not necessarily a death sentence. Much better than these news people giving breathless accounts of some...
I’ll bet your news went berserk when your Prime Minister caught the virus. At least he showed people you CAN recover.
Okay......I exaggerated a little with the going to die business. Although with our health conditions we probably would go toes-up if we contracted...
Here in America we get packages delivered. We ordered some masks, but we got scammed. They never showed up. Our neighbor gave us a pack of four....
I never thought of “game over” command. Thank you, I’ll start with that. Thanks!
I tried, but I think he’s smarter than I am.
God bless.
WOW! That easy? I would never have come up with that. Thank you P.S. We are fine. I think everybody in the world is a little on edge now. How about...
Dear GSDslave: %^#%, #%^*, I still have not figured out how to use this website! I guess this is “social media”. I don’t have a clue what I’m...
[ATTACH]Max can also be nice (every so often).
[ATTACH]Max has calm moments every so often.
Besides being pi, it’s also Albert Einstein‘s birthday (March 14).