Breedia Dog Forum
All gorg, but I like the first one has a kind face
Sorry to hear it didn't work out, I was crossing my fingers for you. The right dog will come along for you. In the meantime it gives you time to...
Didn't realise this had turned in to a thread about Jeagi getting a dog, great news and best of luck with the rescue centre
When I met Max's Brother he seemed to have the same temperament, so it seemed inherent to me
Max - very much, showed up early and seemed to peak 7 to 8 months, only in the last few weeks has he been happy for me to step forward instead of...
aye, he's a braw lad :grin:
seen Zak in the flesh ;-)
does anyone have any good vids of gsds running off leash to compare good with bad?
This makes sense to me. From my what I have read, it seems that people who breed specifically for rare colours do just that - breed for...
The OP mentioned it's only twice a week she works four hours per day, not owned or had experience of the breed but wouldn't that be OK? Ditto...
A Whippet sounds ideal if she can get over the skinny thing. Good thing about going to a rescue is that a good centre will match the dog to her and...
This might help you as well
No, not really, it looked like an import if I was going to get one at all. But I decided not to at the time anyway (think I was having a flight of...
Probably teaching you to suck eggs, but temprament will be important when choosing your pup
Google Smooth Collie Club of Great Britain - I think they are closer to your requirements than you may think