Breedia Dog Forum
Gorgeous, look at those kelpie ears! :D I've only had a bit of experience with kelpies, when visiting a friends farm- i've met some pups, and an...
''found out outside cats only have a life expectancy of 2-5 years, yet we still have 1 going on 6 years.'' What? Mine is 15 and he's not the...
I'm sure muddiwarxs is a Norwich (ears up) :D
Not 'experience' really, but i've had a Norfolk come into work a couple of times from a pup and he is sweet! I've really liked the look of them for a...
I saw that episode- common sense really, give them exercise & let them use their brains and that's half the battle won! Throw in some good,...
Borders and their crosses are great... i might be biased though ;) I did agility with mine for a while & she was great when she concentrated, but...
Congratulations, she's a sweetie ! :D
Just from your first post, i'd like to point out that no dog should ever be 'forced to run up and down stairs or treadmills' if it's too hot for...
So sorry to hear that :( I've only just seen this original thread but my first thoughts were border x jrt/parson. He was built much like one i know...
That is lovely! :D
Thankyou! :D
A few of my girl :D [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I'd put money on an Aussie cross of some kind!