Breedia Dog Forum
There's a fuzziness around where the chain stops which makes it look like the head and body are not from the same dog... And the chain just stops,...
That's a very strange looking dog... And I really love EBTs! Something about the photo looks really photoshopped but I can't quite put my finger on...
She's a cross, but she's 99% bullie temperament! [IMG] [IMG] Beautiful doggies!
I don't have any experience of them, but I agree they're stunning dogs! I'd love to see pictures :D
Most of all I would like a nice little rescue Staffie, not exaggerated, don't mind what colour. Athletic and enthusiastic about training. One day...
Yes. Our dog isn't and can't be insured on health grounds. I love oldies, so I'm sure we'll be in the same boat again!
Beautiful doggies! :007: Emmie would like to put in a late entry for mutt with the most ridiculous ears: [IMG] Also, she says she's the...