Breedia Dog Forum
Just got back from the TIDA Show what a good day we have had the rain stay away & the sun came out :lol: For the show.Yana Came Fist in Open/Spayed...
[IMG] Who said N/Is can't walk on water :grin:
He is even biger now as that was taken a few years ago :lol: he as now got to sleep on his own dova onthe floor :lol: :lol:
[IMG] Just thoght l wound put this on of me & nico. it is a old one but l love it :lol:
its not so much the sunburn as my legs with all the runing that hurt lol
:lol: :lol: belive me if l cound have throw him with or with out the duck l wound have but l can,t even left him :roll:
Don,t forget the fox's they got some as well of the duck l mean :-) l was happyly throwing what was left over in to woods when my Timber thought no...
Went to a the Amersham show this weekend Timber Yana & Buffy all did well Timber came 2nd in Nuetere dog-Yana came 1st in Adult bitch-Buffy came 4th...
She's lovely
she,s lovely
[IMG] just trying this to see if it worked Nico at 10 weeks
Tracey fist to a ticket for were he slept lol