Breedia Dog Forum
Mastiff X...Cain 8months great pic such a loveable but sad face
jess since when have mongrels become hybrids ..when hybrids are the resulting offspring from the mating of two different species ...all dogs are the...
the perfect stafford ...would be a dog 18 inches tall brindle clean lipped and weighing in a fit 43 lbs along with a bitch 16 inches tall clean...
Originally posted by minty: .but what i dont agree with if their trying to say the dog in that pic is under weight..i asked them to provide a pic...
well Archer thats my opinion i will check when i get back am going out to work
I dont have a problem with true staffords being called staffords either reg or non reg but i do have a problem with mixed bloods being called...
Hi tusker not a comment just a question when your dog has to make the weight do you take them below the set weight and then build them up to their...
the Abbey girl hard to by her at the minute lovely girl