Breedia Dog Forum
welcome! hope you learn something here, I'm lurking these forums at least once a week so see you around.
hi kitty, i believe your philosophy. It's like saying "there is no try, only DO".
welcome, fellow newbie here!
hi and welcome here. Please take good care of your new pup, enjoy your stay.
welcome to the boards mate. see you around.
like every cat I know, he'll be back after a while. Don't keep your hopes up but expect the unexpected.
nice vid, gives you ideas for when you can't control 'em. but still long patience and training is key. The label "dangerous dog" I think is not...
there are dog transpo services that specializes in transporting dogs by plane. You can contact those and have no hassles, because most likely they've...
he's looking good man. IMO though I think he can still loose some more, just keep doing on what you've been doing.
Discipline is key, having your dog away from your bed signifies order in leadership in the pack. Though you like her being beside you, its something...
That's sweet. This is why I love dogs, they know how to give back your love. :)
That's cool, I give my dogs crushed ice on their water.