Breedia Dog Forum
awwww he is gorgeous he looks soo cuddly
aww there soo pretty, i love the harness's with bells on lol
wow shes stunning i love her eyes!
we got our rig for free :) it does need quite abit of work but what are OH's for?lol
we have a cat, but the cat HATES the dogs even when koda was a little pup teeko would go nuts at him so the cat keeps well away, we had a hamster...
wow theres sooo many gorgeous pics!
there great pics, cant wait til i get a rig they looki like they had great fun :)
there is a very good breeder down near essex if you look on google for the keeshond club you should find breeders lists theres a north of england...
aww i love this thread!i love newfies my auntie and uncle ad one a few years ago i loved him to bits even cleaning eeye gook yuk lol!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
hehehe my samoyed was once called an albino husky hahahahahaha sorry of topic but thought it was funny :)
i let koda off in enclosed spaces theres a dog park near us so the dogs can run around like nutters for abit we let him off at our local beach but...
lovely pics!
wow all these pics are gorgeous!
shes gorgeous!