Breedia Dog Forum
So give her the proof and let her do something about it if you care this much ... you dont need to have anything to do with her , just email the info...
I dont own an Astra dog and had never heard of the line before this thread , I also have no knowledge of epilepsy in dogs ... but one thing from this...
BC x corgi ... just cos I adore both breeds edit , I went looking to see if there was a pic of one and found this ... how cute , awwww [IMG]
My three all have very different personalities Teddy , he's 5 yrs old in Jan , was from a rescue , so we dont know anything about him , except he's...
Id love a blue merle/tri or a red merle/tri or a Sable I already have a B&W lad , a Red ,white & caramel lad and a B&W Mismarked (split-faced)...
Like any dog they can be socialised to get along with anything or anyone This is my Daughters Rottie , Tyson , that she rescued , playing with my...
How do you measure a dogs height ? The parents I saw for Toffee and (at another farm) for Gypsy looked pure BC to me , whether or not they were I...
On saturday we took our dogs to the vet to get their advocate etc , so weighed them Teddy is 27 kg Toffee is 25 kg Gypsy is 18.5 kg Our vet...
115 BC's 19 BC Cross Teddy [IMG] Toffee [IMG] Gypsy [IMG]
I love this one too :-)
I have nothing against Staffies , unfortunately the only two I know around here are very dog aggressive , so I make sure I see as little of them as...
Its obvious isnt it .. the Greyhounds are owned by a nice sensible lady & the staffie is owned by an idiot (poor Staffie) I wouldnt worry at all...