Breedia Dog Forum
Thank you for the helpful comments and feedback. :)
lol Duly noted! I think that is what it boils down to really isn't it. :) Curse you, now you're swaying me back again... :)
No, I think you will find I said that the couple I have experienced were too playful. I suspect (actually, I know) that it was a training issue....
And a very good job he makes of it too. That is the last comment I am going to make on the photogenic aspect of any dog. Photography is an art form...
Even if that was the case (and I would cheerfully apologise to anyone who felt it was) that hardly gives those people the right or excuse to make...
No, just GSD and Border Collies. The one thing I have in abundance is time. I have there luxury of working from home and I reeeeeally love my...
You know, it never ceases to amaze me how forum mentality sometimes works. Because I happen to mention (amongst many other criteria, I should add)...
I read that. In fact, they were almost an extinct breed in the UK I read in one of the newspapers!
We both discounted the Irish Setter, but the English Setter is very much on the shortlist. Have you any personal experience of them?
Have to say that I hadn't thought of them, but now having looked them up, they're not wholly photogenic either. Ideally, I want something with more...
We ruled out OES almost immediately too. Daughter has one and, well, to say it is spirited would be an understatement. :) Vizslas are nice, but not...
That's really great to read and tells me we're on the right tracks. Thank you!
I have all the time in the world for training and anyone who has seen my past videos ( will know that it's...
Looking for suggestions. We're looking at adding a dog to our home. We currently have no other dog BUT (and this is important) we board dogs within...