Breedia Dog Forum
So far I've contacted Moonwater, Ashlindt and Nyrvana and have arranged to get in touch again in the new year/early spring with a view to visiting...
Thank you Moobli. For all my muddled tentativeness I'm very confident about getting a WL dog and being able to keep it happy and fulfilled and I'm...
It's beginning to look like there's no shortage of good dogs here in the UK and I think the problem for me is just narrowing it down so I can make...
Have been playing telephone tag with Zak's breeder so hopefully we'll manage to make contact soon :grin: :grin:
:lol: :lol: Absolutely sounds like fun! Fingers crossed the WT club manages to get going - there are many people locally who are very keen and...
Thank you Scout. Jo was absolutely fantastic to talk to and really helpful - she's also planning a litter for about the time I'll be looking next...
After much dithering and humming and hawing I’m planning to get my next pup at the end of next summer/autumn time. I’ve decided on a WL GSD (thanks...
Next year for me too but I'm starting to look NOW :mini: :mini: :mini: The idea being that if I register an interest for a litter planned for a...
Ha ha wonder who that could possibly be:lol: :lol: :lol:
Phoebe gets taken for a Groeni all the time! Back in the summer we were at an obedience show sponsored by the Working Belgian Shepherd society. As is...
So sorry it didn't work out but there is a dog out there somewhere who needs you and when it happens you'll know it was meant to be.
So pretty! I don't envy you the task of having to choose between them :grin: :grin:
Oh Jeagi so sorry, it must have been a terrible weekend waiting on tenterhooks :-( . Is it possible though that you just haven't heard because it was...
Fingers crossed for you. Hope to hear good news very soon :grin: