Breedia Dog Forum
I don't have a garden so don't have to worry about him digging that, he has however dug up 2 mattresses! Fortunately the replacement for the 1st was...
My good friend got hers the same time we got Vito, and I have never met a yappier dog! How their neighbours cope I don't know- he barks at the wind...
The media representation of GSD's will have a lot to do with it IMO.
I'm rubbish at this game and can never see gsd or collie or EBT, he looks like a bit like my sister's dog who is a staffy x. I remember coming...
I'd love to know what one looked like too- does she have a funky name. A Westilier perhaps :blush: sorry!
They just look like a very pale liver, I think they are pretty. [img]
We all seem to have the same taste in NI's!
Pic of Vito taken on his walk today: [img]
Do they all love water and muck as much as my boy does? I wish Vito was self cleaning, i wish my flat was too!
He's always upside down! :lol:
Double post
Vito is a x so sorry if I shouldn't really be in here, but he really is a lovely gorgeous boy- who loves everything and everyone... [img] [img]...
Like this? [IMG] They are one of my favourite breeds, i just love them.
Lhasa apsos and shih tzu's are very similar so as there's no reason for her breeder to lie - i imagine she is the x they told you. Cute she is too...
I managed to get the vids on: