Breedia Dog Forum
Quote: "The young girl was quite proud to announce that she was a Labradoodle" I know it's OT... but this just cracked me up... I'm so...
If he's not breeding quality or meant for breeding, I would neuter him... Here in Australia we neuter at 6 months... If you leave it till the...
I agree with the highlighted bit... People are NOT crossing different species, just different breeds of the same species...
IW... Is that an Irish Wolfhound? They are gorgeous... I have always had cross bred dogs.. Got Ben - a Great Dane X Rhodesian Ridgeback... The...
Same here... If the American Staffy is not registered/papered they be regarded as a pitbull, which are illegal... My neighbour's got one,...
I am so relieved that you have changed your mind about buying these two puppies... The Sire's temperament really had me worried... Rescuing is a...
I have Ben, who's a Great Dane x Ridgeback...
Couldn't find it... Ended up starting checking what they were from the beginning... lol... 22 goes :shock: :blush:
I am also a large dog person... I have a great dane X... He's full on! as most Danes are at 10 months old... I know within the next couple of years,...
Us, humans, will always try to preserve our life... and we would do everything we could to preserve it... We would bite, claw, kick - anything...
I didn't like that video at all... I reckon the dog was 'set up' in favour of the TV program... How sad! :? Teaching other animals are done by...
Awww... he's gorgeous... Good luck with him... :grin:
I would think if you had a wild wolf on leash like that, he might do the same thing, as his only option is to fight. I must admit I couldn't see...
Are you looking for a 'baby sitter' while you're at work at night?