Breedia Dog Forum
You obviously know more about APBTs he obviously does to....
As I said never base your opinion on books etc see the real thing then make a decision I could read a million books on why asians are bad doesnt mean...
Based on? Sorry not being rude but, for example, I would never say all Muslims are terrorists because of the actions of "a few" that would be...
Media perhaps? Never ever judge a book by its cover or by what critics write go and see it for yourself, then come back with an informed opinion....
Relates to Northern Ireland: "Dangerous dogs 3. After Article 25 of the Dogs... they have apparently imported several (the first I believe) nice looking dogs.
Then the owner has a crossbreed and thinks its a Stafford.
I will add whatever comments I wish, and do not call me arrogant for stating the obvious and replying to a statement; you do not know me so dont...
Erm hang on a minute here. I never claim to know everything about any subject so please dont imply any different all I did was post what is common...
Well a lurcher is a x breed so if she was whatever x lurcher it would still just be lurcher surely? Can definitley see Stafford in her, to me she...
Please tell me your kidding? :shock: Why would anything need to be added to "get" the colour blue in Staffords when the gene that produces the...
Breed Specific Legislation.
You heading to the show next Saturday K? See you there if you are!
A standard blue stafford sould look like any other stafford - only its blue in colour (with some variance in type depending on how it's bred), yes...
I will dig out some pics of the dog that got first he was a lovely red Dorset the show was held by the creator of the Dorset strain so I kind of...